aku rinduuuuu skulahhhhh!!! especially ugama. huhu. syidah started her ugama school this year, kira tarus darjah satu lah, yatah when i sent her off to ugama yesterday which is still d tempat ugama ku dulu, tekanang tah ku kan masa2 ugama ku dulu masa tudung luncit d dapan lakat. sama zaman2 kami bekelayi pasal MUFC rules sama LFC sucks. nyahahahaha cali eyh dulu atu.
anyways, the reason jua kenapa ku ingat ane pasal when i was looking for my physics notes yang grah (syg's sis) kan minjam, tejumpa tia ku buku ane yg femes brabis masa dulu. namanya BUKU BIODATA. hahahahahahahaha. kalau dulu bah, nada tinggal ne buku biodata2 ane, semua urg kan tedapat. with designs lah, sticker lah, ada yg begambar lagi tu. kira mesti rugged lah page nya atu. haha. so yeah, looking through its pages n all it kinda remind me how lame we were when we were kids. haha. u need examples? =)
"my ex-bestfriend: si anu bin c anu."
"my enemy: secret! ia skulah d stpri!"
"my secret crush: c pulan bin c pulin"
steady jua sudah tu mun tulisnya ex-bestfriend sama my enemy atu. hahahaha. and padahal yg membuat my secret crush atu urg beboipren tapi maseh jua ada category scret crush atu. hahahaha inda ku paham. siapa tu nahhhhhhh?? =p
hahahahaha ada boyfriend jua, ada admire jua? =x
'The' Book (mesti buku lawa2 tu) the colourful pages~ walaupun lame kah, cali kah, kiddish kah. nevertheless, its still a valuable memory to me. =) without it, i would forget who i used to be close with and who were the friends i hangout and quarrel with. some friends i dont get in contact with anymore, i hope they're doing just fine out there and mun tejumpa baiktah tagur2. hehe. aaaaa i just miss school times~
bah mandi ku dulu. hehehe.